Derek Lovley


姓名Derek Lovley    博士/教授

性别: 男




Derek Lovley教授是美国微生物科学院院士、马塞诸塞州州立大学杰出教授。研究领域为新型厌氧微生物的生理与生态学。主要研究方向包括地下水的原位生物净化、微生物燃料电池、厌氧呼吸作用的直接自然演化、厌氧生物被膜、微生物腐蚀、生物导电纳米线和胞外电子传递机理。这些研究不仅为人们从基因水平、生化和生态学角度认识微生物提供了创新性的思路,还能为新型生物材料的设计、微生物在绿色能源领域的应用提供理论依据。




Professor: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1995-present

PhD: Microbiology, Michigan State University, 1982

M.A.: Biological Sciences, Clark University, 1978

B.A., Biological Sciences, University of Connecticut, 1975













以第一作者或通讯作者在ScienceNatureNature Reviews MicrobiologyThe Nature Biotechnology等顶级期刊发表具有重大影响力的论文20多篇;SCI刊物总引用114546余次。





1.Lovley, D.R., Holmes, D.E. Electromicrobiology: the ecophysiology of phylogenetically diverse electroactive microorganisms,Nat. Rev. Microbiol. ,2021,

2.Liu, X., Gao, H., Ward, J.E., Liu X., Yin, B., Fu, T., Chen, J., Lovley, D.R., Yao, J., Power generation from ambient humidity using protein nanowires.Nature, 550–554, 2020,

3.Malvankar, N., Yalcin, S., Tuominen, M., Lovley, D.R., Visualization of charge propagation along individual pili proteins using ambient electrostatic force microscopy,Nature Nanotech., 1012–1017, 2014,

4.Malvankar, N., Vargas, M., Nevin, K., Franks, A., Leang, C., Kim, B., Inoue, K., Mester, T., Covalla, S., Johnson, J., Rotello, V., Tuominen, M., Lovley, D.R., Tunable metallic-like conductivity in microbial nanowire networks.Nature Nanotech., 573–579, 2011,

5.Mahadevan, R., Palsson, B., Lovley, D.R., In situ to in silico and back: elucidating the physiology and ecology of Geobacter spp. using genome-scale modelling.Nat. Rev. Microbiol., 222, 2011,

6.Summers, Z., Fogarty, H., Leang, C., Franks, A., and Malvankar, N., Lovley, D.R., Direct Exchange of Electrons Within Aggregates of an Evolved Syntrophic Coculture of Anaerobic Bacteria,Science, 1413-1415, 2010,

7.Lovley, D.R., Bug juice: harvesting electricity with microorganisms. Nat. Rev. Microbiol., 497–508, 2006,

8.Reguera, G., McCarthy, K., Mehta, T., Nicoll, J., Tuominen, M., Lovley, D.R., Extracellular electron transfer via microbial nanowires,Nature, 1098–1101, 2005,

9.Chaudhuri, S., Lovley, D.R., Electricity generation by direct oxidation of glucose in mediatorless microbial fuel cells,Nat. Biotechnol., 1229–1232, 2003,

10.Lovley, D.R., Cleaning up with genomics: applying molecular biology to bioremediation,Nat. Rev. Microbiol., 35–44, 2003,

11.Kashefi, K., Lovley, D.R., Extending the upper temperature limit for life,Science, 934, 2003,

12.Tender, L.M. Reimers, C.E. Stecher, H.A., Holmes, D.E., Bond, D.R., Lowy, D.A., Pilobello, K., Fertig, S.J., Lovley, D.R., Harnessing microbially generated power on the seafloor,Nat. Biotechnol., 821–825, 2002,

13.Childers, S., Ciufo, S., Lovley, D.R.,Geobacter metallireducens accesses insoluble Fe(III) oxide by chemotaxis,Nature, 767–769, 2002,

14.Bond, D.R., Holmes, D.E., Tender, L.M., Lovley, D.R., Electrode-reducing microorganisms that harvest energy from marine sediments, ,Science, 483-485, 2002,

15.Chapelle, F., O'Neill, K., Bradley, P., Methe, B.A., Ciufo, S.A., Knobel, L.L., Lovley, D.R., A hydrogen-based subsurface microbial community dominated by methanogens,Nature, 312–315, 2002,

16.Lovley, D.R., Bioremediation - Anaerobes to the rescue,Science, 1444-1446, 2001,

17.Lovley, D.R., Lloyd, J., Microbes with a mettle for bioremediation,Nat. Biotechnol., 600–601, 2000,

18.Anderson, R.T., Lovley, D.R., Biogeochemistry - Hexadecane decay by methanogenesis,Nature, 722–723, 2000,

19.Vargas, M., Kashefi, K., Blunt-Harris, E., Lovley, D.R., Microbiological evidence for Fe(III) reduction on early Earth,Nature, 65–67, 1998,

20.Anderson, R.T., Chapelle, F.H., Lovley, D.R., Evidence against hydrogen-based microbial ecosystems in basalt aquifers,Science, 976-977, 1998,

21.Lovley, D., Coates, J., Blunt-Harris, E., Phillips, E.J.P., Woodward, J.C., Humic substances as electron acceptors for microbial respiration,Nature, 445–448, 1996,