






198809月─199207月  南昌大学物理系,理学学士

199209月─199507月  中国科学院金属研究所材料疲劳与断裂国家重点实验室,工学硕士

199509月─199806月  中国科学院金属研究所材料疲劳与断裂国家重点实验室,工学博士


199807月─200008月  中国科学院金属研究所材料疲劳与断裂国家重点实验室,助理研究员

200009月─200209月  日本大阪大学工学部材料科学与工程系,JSPS特别研究员

200210月─200402月  德国亚琛工业大学物理冶金与金属物理研究所,“洪堡”学者

200403月─200510月  日本大阪大学工学部材料科学与工程系,COE特任教员

200511月─201511月  东北大学理学院,教授/博士生导师

201512月─至今      东北大学美高梅mgm1888-官方网站-App Store,教授/博士生导师




3)国际SCI杂志Journal of Materials Science and Technology (JCR: Q1) 编委












(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“-碳化物析出调控改善Fe-Mn-Al-C奥氏体基低密度钢的强韧性和疲劳性能研究”,2022.01-2025.12,负责人

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“晶界特征分布优化改善含氮奥氏体不锈钢低周疲劳性能研究”,2019.01-2022.12,负责人

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“Cu-MnCu-Ni系列合金的疲劳变形行为及其微观机制:层错能和短程有序的综合影响”,2016.01-2019.12,负责人

(4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“预低周疲劳变形对金属单晶体静态力学行为影响的机理性研究”,2013.01-2016.12,负责人

(5) 国家自然科学基金重点项目:“金属材料复杂服役条件下三维多尺度应力场演化与损伤机制关联性研究”,2013.01-2017.12,子课题负责人

(6) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“面心立方金属晶体疲劳位错结构的热稳定性研究”,2011.01-2013.12,负责人

(7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“含富Cr沉淀颗粒Fe-Cr不锈钢单晶体的循环形变及损伤行为”,2008.01-2010.12,负责人

(8) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“超细晶金属材料疲劳与断裂行为的温度效应”,2007.01-2009.12,负责人

(9) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金博导类资助课题:“具有不同层错能的面心立方金属低周疲劳锻炼强韧化机制的研究”,2012.01-2014.12,负责人

(10) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目–创新团队建设项目:“先进结构材料的制备及力学行为研究”,2012.01-2014.12,负责人





















已在Acta Mater., Scripta Mater., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, PNAS, Nanoscale, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Inter. J. Fatigue, Phil. Mag., Metall. Mater. Trans. A, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Corros. Sci., Mater. Sci. Eng. A, Mater. Sci. Eng. C等国内外有影响力的学术期刊和会议上发表论文260余篇(不含会议摘要160余篇),其中SCI收录近190篇,EI收录40篇,第一作者或通讯作者论文190余篇。发表的文章被SCI引用近2300次。有关研究成果曾先后被邀请在国内外重要学术会议上做邀请报告40余次。


1.Guan, X.J., Jia, Z.P., Liang, S.M., Shi, F. and Li, X.W.* (2022): A Pathway to Improve the Low-Cycle Fatigue Life of Face-Centered Cubic Metals via Grain Boundary Engineering. J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 113, 82-89.

2.Ji, H.M., Li, X.W.* and Chen, D.L*. (2022): An Artful Miocrstructure in Nacre: Superior Resistance to Fatigue Deformation. Inter. J. Fatigue, 157, 106705.

3.Yan, Y., Wang, T.D., Song, Q.S., Zhao, Q.J., Guan, X.J. and Li, X.W.*(2022): Specimen Size Effect of Tensile Behavior of Al-4.0 wt pct Cu Alloy Sheets: Effects of Precipitates and Cyclic Predeformation. Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 53, 290-298.

4.Gao, C., Yang, M.Q., Pang, J.C.*, Li, S.X., Zhou, M.D. Li, X.W.* and Zhang, Z.F.* (2022): Abnormal Relation Between Tensile and Fatigue Strengths for a High-strength Low-alloy Steel.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 832, 142418.

5.Han, D., Zhang, Y.J. and Li, X.W.* (2021): A Crucial Impact of Short-Range Ordering on the Cyclic Deformation and Damage Behavior of Face-centered Cubic Alloys: A Case Study on Cu-Mn Alloys. Acta Mater., 205, 116559.

6.Liang, S.M., Ji, H.M., Li, X.W.* (2021): A High-strength and High-toughness Nacreous Structure in a Deep-sea Nautilus Shell: Critical Role of Platelet Geometry and Organic Matrix.J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 88, 189-202.

7.Liang, S.M., Ji, H.M., Li, Y.Y. and Li, X.W.* (2021): An Ingenious Microstructure Arrangement in Deep-sea Nautilus Shell against the Harsh Environment. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 7, No. 10, 4819-4827.

8.Zhang, Y.J., Han, D., Li, X.W.* (2021): Improving the Stress-controlled Fatigue Life of Low Solid-solution hardening Ni-Cr Alloys by Enhancing Short Range Ordering Degree.Inter. J. Fatigue, 149, 106266.

9.Wang, D.Q.Q., Yao, D.D., Gao, Z.B., Wang, Q.*, Zhang, Z.F.* and Li, X.W.* (2021): Fatigue Mechanism of Medium Carbon Steel Welded Joint: Competitive Impacts of Various Defects.Inter. J. Fatigue, 151, 106363.

10.Wang, D.Q.Q., Wang, S.H., Wang, Q.*, Zhang, Z.J., Hou, J.P., Li, X.W.* and Zhang, Z.F.* (2021): Improving Fatigue Life of 7N01 Al Weld by Surface Spinning Strengthening. Fat. Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct., 44, No. 10, 2597-2609.

11.Zhang, Y.J., Han, D. and Li, X.W.* (2021): Impact of Short Range Ordering on the Anomalous Four-stage Strain Hardening Behavior of Low Solid-solution Hardening Ni-Cr Alloys.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 814, 141193.

12.Xia, B., Zhang, P.*, Wang, B., Zhu, Y.K., Li, X.W.* and Zhang, Z.F.* (2021): A Simultaneous Improvement of the Strength and Plasticity of Spring Steels by Replacing Mo with Si.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 820, 141516.

13.Guan, X.J., Shi, F., Ji, H.M. and Li, X.W.* (2020): A Possibility to Sychronously Improve the High-Temperature Strength and Ductility in Face-Centered Cubic Metals Through Grain Boundary Engineering. Scripta Mater., 187, 216-220.

14.Zhang, Y.J. Han, D. and Li, X.W.* (2020): A Unique Two-stage Strength-Ductility Match in Low-Solution-Hardening Ni-Cr Alloys: Decisive Role of Short Range Oridering.Scripta Mater., 178, 269-273.

15.Xu, Q., Jiang, J.L., Xie, H.P., Liu, Y.N., Cao, L., Li, X.W.*, Tian, J.* and Zhang, X.* (2020): Novel Injectable and Self-setting Composite Materials for Bone Defect Repair. Sci. China Mater., 63, No. 5, 876-887.

16.Liang, S.M., Ji, H.M. and Li, X.W.* (2020): Thickness-dependent Mechanical Properties of Nacre in Cristaria plicata Shell: Critical Role of Interfaces.J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 44, 1-8.

17.Ji, H.M., Liang, S.M., Li, X.W.* and Chen, D.L.* (2020): Kinking and Cracking Behavior in Nacre under Stepwise Compressive Loading.Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 108, 110364.

18.Ji, H.M., Yang, W., Chen, D.L. and Li, X.W.* (2020): Natural Arrangement of Fiber-like Aragonites and Its Impact on Mechanical Behavior of Mollusk Shells: A Review.J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 110, 103941 (Pages 1-23). (Invited review)

19.Yan, Y., Liu, Y.L., Liu, M.Q., Han, D. and Li, X.W.* (2020): Thickness-dependent Mechanical Behavior of <111>-oriented Cu Single Crystals.Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 51, 2044-2052.

20.Guan, X.J., Shi, F., Jia, Z.P. and Li, X.W.* (2020): Grain Boundary Engineering of AL6XN Super-austenitic Stainless Steel: Distinctive Effects of Planar-Slip Dislocations and Deformation Twins. Mater. Charact., 170, 110689.

21.Guan, X.J., Shi, F., Ji, H.M. and Li, X.W.* (2019): Gain Boundary Character Distribution Optimization of Cu-16at.%Al Alloy by Thermomechanical Process: Critical Role of Deformation Microstructure.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 765, 138299.

22.Ji, H.M., Li, X.W.* and Chen, D.L.* (2019): Crack Initiation and Growth in a Special Quasi-sandwich Crossed-lamellar Structure in Cymbiola nobilis Seashell. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 90, 104-112.

23.Han, D., Guan, X.J., Yan, Y., Shi, F. and Li, X.W.* (2019): Anomalous Recovery of Working Hardening Rate in Cu-Mn Alloys with High Stacking Fault Energies under Uniaxial Compression. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 743, 745-754.

24.Li, R.G., Xie, Q.G., Wang, Y.D.*, Liu, W.J.*, Wang, M.G., Wu, G.L., Li, X.W., Zhang, M.H., Lu, Z.P., Geng, C. and Zhu, T.* (2018): Unraveling Submicron-scale Mechanical Heterogeneity by Three-dimensional X-ray Micro-diffraction. PNAS, 115, 483-488.

25.Wang, X., Ji, H.M. and Li, X.W.* (2018): Microstructure-related in vitro Bioactivity of a Natural Ceramic of Saxidomus purpuratus Shell. Mater. Des., 139, 512-520.

26.Ji, H.M., Li, X.W.* and Chen, D.L.* (2018): Deformation and Fracture Behavior of a Natural Shell Ceramic: Coupled Effects of Shell Shapes and Microstructures. Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 90, 557-567.

27.Zhang, H.W., Qin, X.Z.*, Wu, Y.S., Zhou, L.Z. and Li, X.W.* (2018): Effect of Cr Content on the Microstructures and Stress Rupture Properties of a Directionally Solidified Ni-based Superalloy During Long-term Exposure. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 718, 449-460.

28.Zhang, H.W., Qin, X.Z., Li, X.W.* and Zhou, L.Z.* (2018): Effect of Minor additions on the Microstructures and Stress Rupture Properties of a Directionally Solidified Ni-based Superalloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 711, 303-312.

29.Zhang, H.W., Wu, Y.S., Qin, X.Z.*, Zhou, L.Z. and Li, X.W.* (2018): Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of a Directionally Solidified Ni-based Superalloy: Influence of Boron Content. J. Alloys Compd., 767, 915-923.

30.Ji, H.M., Li, X.W.* and Chen, D.L.* (2018): A Self-assembled Smart Architecture against Drilling Predation in a Pinctada maxima Shell: Protective Mechanisms.J. Mater. Sci., 53, 3417-3426.

31.Li, X.W.*, Ji, H.M., Yang, W., Zhang, G.P. and Chen, D.L. (2017): Mechanical Properties of Crossed-lamallar Structures in Biological Shells: A Review. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 74, 54-71. (Invited review)

32.Han, D., Wang, Z.Y., Yan, Y., Shi, F. and Li, X.W.* (2017): A Good Combination of Strength and Ductility in Cu-Mn Alloys with High Stacking Fault Energies: Determinant Effect of Short Range Ordering.Scripta Mater., 133, 59-64.

33.Wang, Z.Y., Han, D. and Li, X.W.* (2017): Competitive Effect of Stacking Fault Energy and Short-range Clustering on the Plastic Deformation Behavior of Cu-Ni Alloys.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 679, 484-492.

34.Yan, Y., Qi, C.J., Han, D., Ji, H.M., Zhang, M.Q. and Li, X.W.* (2017): Effect of Low-Cycle Fatigue Pre-deformation on Uniaxial Tensile Behavior of Cu-16at.%Al Alloy with Low Stacking Fault Energy. Metall. Mater, Trans. A, 48, 678-684.

35.Ji, H.M., Li, X.W.* and Chen, D.L.* (2017): Cymbiola nobilis Shell: Toughening Mechanisms in a Crossed-Lamellar Structure.Scientific Reports, 7, 40043.

36.Qin, X.M., Wu, Y.Q., Liu, Y.*, Chi, B.Q., Li, X.W.*, Wang, Y. and Zhao, X.L. (2017): Origins of Dirac Cone Formation in AB3 and A3B (A, B= C, Si, and Ge) Binary Monolayers.Scientific Reports, 7, 10546.

 37.Zhang, L., Li, X.W.*, Zhang, L.L.*, Song, Z.Y., Long, W., Jin, Y. and Wang, L. (2017): Effects of La Doping on Electrical Conductivity, Thermal Expansion and Electrochemical Performance in LaxSr1-xCo0.9Sb0.1O3-δ Cathodes for IT-SOFCs.Ceram. Inter., 43, No. 8, 6487-6493.

38.Qin, X.M., Liu, Y.*, Chi, B.Q., Zhao, X.L. and Li, X.W.* (2016): Origin of Dirac Cones and Pairity Dependent Electronic Structures of-graphyne Derivatives and Silagraphynes. Nanoscale, 8, 15223-15232.

39.Shi, F., Tian, P.C., He, Z.H., Jia, N., Qi, Y., Liu, C.M. and Li, X.W.*, (2016): Improving Intergranular Corrosion Resistance in a High-Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel Through Grain Boundary Character Distribution Optimization.Corros. Sci., 107, 49-59.

40.Shao, C.W., Shi, F. and Li, X.W.* (2016): Influence of Cyclic Stress Amplitude on Mechanisms of Deformation of a High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 667, 208-216.

41.Ji, H.M., Jiang, Y., Yang, W., Zhang, G.P. and Li, X.W.* (2015): Biological Self-Arrangement of Fiber Like Aragonite and Its Effect on Mechanical Behavior of Veined rapa whelk Shell.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 98, 3319-3325.

42.Wang, B, Duan, Q.Q., Yao, G., Pang, J.C., Zhang, Z.F., Wang, L. and Li, X.W.* (2015): Fatigue Fracture Behavior of Spot Welded Hot-stamped Steels under Tensile-Shear Load.Fat. Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct., 38, 914-922.

43.Qin, X.M., Liu, Y.*, Li, X.W.*, Xu, J.C., Chi, B.Q., Zhai, D. and Zhao, X.L. (2015): Origin of Dirac Cones in SiC Siligraphene: A Combined Density Functional and Tight-Binding Study.J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6, 1333-1339.

44.Shao, C.W., Shi, F., and Li, X.W.* (2015): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Fe-18Cr-18Mn-0.63N Nickel-Free High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel.Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 46, 1610-1620.

45.Ji, H.M. and Li, X.W.* (2014): Microstructural Characteristic and Its Relation to Mechanical Properties of Clinocardium californiense Shell. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 97, 3991-3998.

46.Li, X.W.*, Peng, N., Wu, X.M.. and Wang, Z.G. (2014): Plastic-Strain-Amplitude Dependence of Dislocation Structures in Cyclically Deformed <112>-Oriented Cu-7at.%Al Alloy Single Crystals.Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 45, 3835-3843.

47.Zhang, X., Li, X.W.*, Li, J.G. and Sun, X.D. (2014): Preparation and Properties of a Novel Biodegradable 3D Porous Magnesium Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering. Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 42, 362-367.

48.Ji, H.M., Zhang, W.Q. and Li, X.W.* (2014): Fractal Analysis of Microstructures-Related Indentation Toughness of Clinocardium californiense Shell. Ceram. Inter., 40, 7627-7631.

49.Yan, Y., Lu, M., Guo, W.W. and Li, X.W.* (2014): Effect of Pre-fatigue Deformation on the Thickness-Dependent Tensile Behavior of Coarse-Grained Pure Aluminum Sheets. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 600, 99-107.

50.Zhang, X., Li, X.W.*, Li, J.G. and Sun, X.D. (2014): Preparation and Characterizations of Bioglass Ceramic Cement/Ca-P Coating on Pure Magnesium for Biomedical Applications.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 513-525.

51.Li, X.W.*, Wang, X.M., Guo, W.W., Qi, C.J. and Yan, Y. (2013): Effect of Cyclic Pre-deformation on the Uniaxial Tensile Deformation Behavior of [017] Copper Single Crystals Oriented for Critical Double Slip.Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 44, 1631-1635.

52.Yan, Y.*, Jin. W. and Li, X.W.* (2013): Texture Development in the Ni47Ti44Nb9 Shape Memory Alloy during Successive Thermo-Mechanical Processing and Its Effect on Shape Memory and Mechanical Properties.Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 44, 978-989.

53.Li, X.W.*, and Umakoshi, Y. (2012): Dislocation Structures in a Cyclically Deformed Single-Slip-Oriented Fe-35wt.%Cr Alloy Single Crystal Containing Fine Cr-Rich Precipitates. Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 43, 5038-5047.

54.Jiang, Q.W. and Li, X.W.* (2012): Effect of Pre-annealing Treatment on the Compressive Deformation and Damage Behavior of Ultrafine-grained Copper.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 546, 59-67.

55.Yang, W., Zhang, G.P., Liu, H.S. and Li, X.W.* (2011): Microstructural Charaterization and Hardness Behavior of a Biological Saxidomus Purpuratus Shell. J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 27, 139-146.

56.Li, P., Zhang, Z.F.*, Li, X.W., Li, S.X. and Wang, Z.G. (2009): Effect of Orientations on the Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Silver Single Crystals: Comparison with the Behavior of Copper and Nickel Single Crystals.Acta Mater., 57, 4845-4854.

57.Yu, Z.Y., Jiang, Q.W. and Li, X.W.* (2008): Temperature-Dependent Plastic Deformation and Damage Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Copper under Uniaxial Compression.Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 205, 2417-2421.

58.Li, X.W.*, Jiang, Q.W., Wu, Y., Wang, Y. and Umakoshi, Y. (2008): Stress-Amplitude-Dependent Deformation Characteristics and Microstructures of Cyclically Stressed Ultrafine-Grained Copper.Adv. Eng. Mater., 10, 720-726.

59.Li, X.W.* and Umakoshi, Y. (2008): Fatigue Fracture Behavior of a Single-Slip-Oriented Fe-35wt.%Cr Alloy Single Crystals Containing Fine-Scale Cr-Rich Precipitates.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 483-484, 426-429.

60.Li, X.W.* and Zhou, Y. (2007): SEM-ECC Observations of Dislocation Structures in a Cyclically Deformed Cu Single Crystal Oriented for [-223] Conjugate Double Slip.J. Mater. Sci., 42, 4716-4719.

61.Li, X.W.*, Yasuda, H.Y. and Umakoshi, Y. (2006): Bioceramic Composites Sintered From Hydroxyapatite and Silica at 1200C: Preparation, Microstructures and Bone-Like Layer Growth in Stimulated Body Fluid.J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med., 17, 573-581.

62.Li, X.W.*, Wu, S.D., Wu, Y., Yasuda, H.Y. and Umakoshi, Y. (2005): Temperature-Dependent Microstructures in Fatigued Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing. Adv. Eng. Mater., 7, 829-833.

63.Li, X.W.*, Umakoshi, Y., Wu, S.D., Wang, Z.G., Alexandrov, I.V. and Valiev, R.Z. (2004): Temperature Effects on the Fatigue Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing.Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 201, R119-R122.

64.Li, X.W.* and Umakoshi, Y. (2003): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of A Single-Slip-Oriented Fe-35wt.%Cr Alloy Single Crystals Containing Fine Cr-Rich Precipitates.Scripta Mater., 48, 545-550.

65.Li, X.W.*, Wu, X.M., Wang, Z.G. and Umakoshi, Y. (2003): Orientation Dependence of Dislocation Structures in Cyclically Deformed Cu-16 At. Pct Al Alloy Single Crystals.Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 34A, 307-318.

66.Li, X.W.*, Wu, X.M., Wang, Z.G. and Umakoshi, Y. (2002): Dislocation Structure in a Fatigued Cu-16at.%Al Alloy Single Crystals Oriented for Double Slip.Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 192, R1-R3.

67.Li, X.W.*, Umakoshi, Y., Gong, B., Li, S.X. and Wang, Z.G. (2002): Dislocation Structure in Fatigued Critical and Conjugate Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 333, 51-59.

68.Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G., Zhang, Y.W., Li, S.X. and Umakoshi, Y. (2002): Dislocation Structure in Cyclically Deformed Coplanar Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 191, 97-105.

69.Li, X.W.*, Y. Umakoshi, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (2001): The Fatigue Limits of Copper Single Crystals Cyclically Deformed at Constant Plastic Strain Amplitudes. Phil. Mag. Lett., 81, 465-472.

70.Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (2000): Deformation Bands in Cyclically Deformed Copper Single Crystals.Phil. Mag. A, 80, 1901-1912.

71.Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Influence of Crystallographic Orientation on Cyclic Strain-Hardening Behavior of Copper Single Crystals. Phil. Mag. Lett., 79, 869-875.

72.Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Survey of Plateau Behavior in the Cyclic Stress-Strain Curve of Copper Single Crystals. Phil. Mag. Lett., 79, 715-719.

73.Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals IV. Change of Hysteresis Loop Shape and Formation of Persistent Slip Band.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 271, 315-321.

74.Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals III. Conjugate Double Slip Orientation on 001- -111 Side in the Stereographic Triangle. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 269, 166-174.

75.Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals II. Critical Double Slip Orientation on 001-011 Side in the Stereographic Triangle. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 265, 18-24.

76.Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G. and Li, S.X. (1999): Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Double-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals I. Coplanar Double Slip Orientation on 011- -111 Side in the Stereographic Triangle.Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 260, 132-138.

77.Li, X.W.*, Wang, Z.G., Li, G.Y., Wu, S.D. and Li, S.X. (1998): Cyclic Stress-strain Response and Surface Deformation Features of [011] Multiple-Slip-Oriented Copper Single Crystals.Acta Mater., 46, 4497-4505.

78.Li, X.W.*, Hu, Y.M. and Wang, Z.G. (1998): Investigation of Dislocation Structure in a Cyclically Deformed Copper Single Crystal Using Electron Channeling Contrast Technique in SEM. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 248, 299-303.

79.Li, X.W.*, Tian, J.F., Han, N.L., Kang, Y. and Wang, Z.G. (1996): Quantitative Study on Correlation between Fracture Surface Roughness and Fatigue Properties of SiC/Al Composite. Mater. Lett., 29, 235-240.

80.Li, X.W.*, Tian, J.F., Kang, Y. and Wang, Z.G. (1995): Quantitative Analysis of Fracture Surface by Roughness and Fractal Method.Scripta Metall. Mater., 33, 803-809.


1. 李小武,颜莹,于宁,石锋 编著,《金属材料的界面及其性质,沈阳:东北大学出版社,2020.12.ISBN 978-7-5517-2663-4